Poll: 33% of Sanders Supporters Wouldn't Vote for Clinton

I posted this as a comment under someone else, but I feel a large audience might want to read it as well. This is from voices I've heard in my local community and elsewhere.

I think it is because Clinton has alienated a lot of people, denounced a lot of citizens for their beliefs over the years yet doesn't really denounce anyone on Wallstreet and only slightly started to denounce them during this campaign so she can try to steal Bernie's Thunder. Worse, she has claimed that she personally experienced the traumatic experiences of those who have lived and suffer, but actually she doesn't. She claimed to be shot at in a war zone in the 90s at one time,but that turned out to be a lie. And she claims to have been homeless before when she never was. When she says these things to the public, she cancels out the voices of those who have actually experienced these traumatic events, thus instead of helping to raise awareness to these issues, she is harming it. When she claims to have experience these traumatic events but in fact has not, she is hurting the people who have. And here is the thing, when someone tells her that she has hurt them, she doesn't get to decide that she hasn't. This fact is lost on her. So I can understand why someone would do everything in their power to not have Clinton as president, even if it means voting for Trump. It is hard to see someone in power who they feel has personally hurt them. I certainly understand this strategy, I don't agree with it, and rather they stay home election day, but I'm not going to attack them for it either. Edit: This is also a very important reason why we need Bernie Sanders to win. Edit 2: I'm not saying that anyone here is attacking them for it. I certainly understand that you guys are trying to help them. I have no hate towards any of yall. It is always good to try an help people see that they have alternatives as well. I'm trying to explain why some feel compelled to vote for people like Trump in order to help it make sense to yall. This way yall have the resources needed to go forward and make sure Trump doesn't become president if need be. But it won't be through Clinton.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread Link - news.yahoo.com