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Yeah but the losses I'm talking about aren't his annual losses it's the opportunity cost of his company not being anything close to what he paid for it anymore which since it isn't publicly traded is just a made up number Look I don't want to discourage you from having role models and leaning in to the human instinct to innovate for a better society but as someone who once admired the guy I think you may not be seeing what's happening through an accurate lens and feel free to use this as an opportunity to calibrate I'm just a random person on the internet I could be wrong but that's your conclusion to come to not mine

You should know that from an objective standpoint buying Twitter was a mistake on Musk's part. He signed a highly unfavorable contract because he was confident he could wiggle out of it but couldn't because of one single sentence that he overlooked and was placed in a position where he was damned if he did damned if he didn't and if those are your options you might as well comes with the one that also comes with Twitter

The reason Elon walked into Twitter with the confidence that comes with carry a kitchen appliance is because Elon fell victim to a type of trap that only billionaires have any vulnerability to. And the very same trap Mark Zuckerburg has also found himself in. When you don't really have true friends because you have complete creative control over your social circle being the guy with the goods you end up surrounding yourself with yes men and people who are feel financially obligated to please. Not all but many. I saw this tiktok the right was passing around of this twitter girl going around the TwitterHQ with basically nothing indicating she gets any work done but if you're not drinking the kool aid its pretty fucking obvious it's just a ditzy chick showing off the perks of working at Twitter and not intended in any way to be an accurate representation of her day to day. Twitter used to be a relaxing place to work in a first world country with a bunch of hot chicks and now its an H1B1 labor camp yay

While Fox News paints every single current event as though the left is raining dildos and complimentary gender adjustment government requests form any time you go outside they still know that all media channels are to an extent sensationalist and that for the most part your Trip to target to buy christmas socks for mom has been exactly like your trip to Target ten years ago. Musk does not get this reality checker because he has people that do shit involving public society for him. So when your social engagement is limited to a personally curated echo chamber then you have no reason to think that the Babylon Bee videos are an accurate representation of what Twitter is like It's not hard to entertain the idea of Twitter having been overstaffed but they hold a giant responsibility which takes teams of people with high integrity and effective social awareness

The other day I basically took a 3.5 hour crash course doing a deep dive into Musk's past and through it's entirety I would be hard pressed to classify any take as sensationalist. But one important thing here is that Musk came pretty late into the game on just about everything and then put a large amount of his attention into marketing to the public as though he was a founder. The takeaway here is that not only did Musk think that turning Twitter around would be as easy as firing the no show hacks assigned to gender appropriation surveillance teams but this would be the first thing that's actually his, him alone. The type of validation even he doesn't have to lie to himself about.

Just like Mark Zuckerburg who not only jumped the gun for a meta verse by 5-10 years but the guy insisted he be spokesman one of the most unpopular public figures out there. But you also know that when Mark volunteered to do it fucking nobody was going to say maybe we should discuss this first and hear all ideas? Those fuckers got fired a long ass time ago if not a while ago then just recently thousands are fired and its because the company is tanking because of two giant miscalculations by Mark that can be drilled down to wanting to be liked too much. And why is he going to burn into the ground? Because the metaverse is the first thing that is his. He fucking stole facebook bought instagram and every other child company his last original idea was a site where you can be fed two pictures of college chicks and rate which one is the hottest.

I just wouldn't get too much behind Musk. He is showing himself to not be who we thought he was. Buying a company and ripping out the insides is ridiculous. Using his personal ban hammer as a primary tactic for taking on free speech is like lower than most Reddit mods in terms of power tripping. Like at least Zuck is actually in uncharted territory this his vanity project. Musk thought he could treat something that smart people for over a decade have refined as though it was as uncharted as electric cars and space and clearly had no idea what he was doing

It is so easy to see how Titter Blue came to be. Elon is a try hard that obsesses over his image a glorified clout chaser and when he got his blue checkmark he thought it was cool as fuck. Of course he did. So the genius thought you know what if I felt that cool when I got it then who wouldn't pay $8 for this? completely overlooking the simple fact that it was only valued in the first place by virtue of not being able to be obtained for $8. The twitter checkmark wasn't for the checkmark holders, the checkmark was for me. Even if I didn't have one it allowed me to put the onslaught of information into context as it is important to distinguish some random loser from a high profile public figure now it's useless with the exception exclusively being able to use a downvote button on a service that only his fanboys and public figures will pay for and one highly outnumbers the other. You almost have to admire the guy for systematically putting the odds of social validation in his favor. He is a joke and wow this became way longer than I thought but man what is happening is crazy and if you have any tesla stock I recommend selling

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