Ryder winning was a welcomed surprised and the match itself was enjoyable with some cool spots. Jericho vs AJ was exciting and I don't mind Jericho winning as apparently he's sticking around, also he never wins against 'new guys' when in reality, he fucking needs to start winning a few. I didn't understand the whole New Day vs League of Nation feud being honest, especially with no titles on the line, but it was saved by the legends. Lesnar vs Ambrose was decent, but way too short. Lesnar winning is fine, Ambrose did OK and he will easily survive that. Triple threat Women's match was excellent as expected really, new belt is a good move etc. Taker vs Shane was interested, I didn't expect a true great match, I'm not sure anyone did, but the big spot saved the match and it finished as I'd expected it would.

And then the battle royal was shit as expected, Corbin winning was pretty decent and I hope to see him on the main roster now. The Rock segment was alright, but considering it was built up for so long I don't know if it lived up to that expectation. Main event... very disappointed really. They can't continue to FORCE Roman on the fans. Every PPV he's in, every time, he is boo'd by the majority. They have to MUTE and turn down microphones to control the crowds to get what they want. If that's going on (and it has been for over one-year), there's a problem.

I've stayed up to watch the last few Wrestlemania's but this one has made me wonder if I should next year. I'm not from America so staying up till 5AM is rough and I don't know if that event was worth it in all honesty. The main event of a Wrestlemania should have all sorts of twists and turns, high spots, risks, kick outs and it only had a few of those. It shouldn't end in an incredibly predictable fashion with everyone leaving angry.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread