Potion of +10 fire resistance

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title points age /r/ comnts
God dammit, next time just draw a dick on my face like a normal person! 531 1mo gifs 81
Asshole uses Flamethrower, It's not very effective... 333 3mos gifs 57
Who Needs Enemies!? 666 3mos WTF 56
Pranked you bro! 2759 9mos WTF 282
Wake up motherfucker 117 11mos WTF 69
100% fire resistant 1521 11mos outside 112
This level of prank is too much for me. 90 1yr WTF 36
HMB while I shave my friend's face 312 1yr holdmybeer 35
Caring friends playing a joke.... 322 1yr WTF 62
I know! I'll wake him up with a flamethrower! 2577 1yr Whatcouldgowrong 275
YOGA FIRE! 707 1yr WTF 129
Don't fall asleep near friends like these 17 1yr funny 11
For a flamin' hot shave! 57 1yr WTF 21
He should probably find new friends. 80 1yr gifs 18

Source: karmadecay

/r/funny Thread Link - imgur.com