Why the premiere was a better finale than 6x16.

I have, do, and always will love this show. This show came to me before I experienced Game of Thrones. And as much as I know how streets ahead GoT is, TWD will always be number one in my heart.

And it goes without saying that TWD definitely has it's flaws. They make mistakes, a few plot holes here and there, but they definitely know how to keep you intrigued. I don't agree that the cliffhanger was anything more than an attempt to bring in views because that is what it was.

However, it not only worked, it made me more pumped now than how I probably have if they showed the victims. The POV was pretty bad, don't me wrong, I see the visual flaw there, it wasn't great. But I don't see myself feeling more pumped morw now than the 44 minutes they spent fleshing out JDM as Negan.

That is what I wanted to be honest. Not the last 5 minutes showing who died. But the next episode showing us what exactly we have tp expect from Negan

The kills were gruesome, that's true, but Comic Negan was not nearly as scary as TV Negan. We've had about 60 minutes of Negan with the finale and premiere., and JDM's portrayal has left with something that actually has me hooked. Though I hate cliffhangers and never want to go through one that huge again, it picked up with a substantial amount of content to look forward to and with this week-by-week episode schedule again, I can live with it.

/r/thewalkingdead Thread