Preparing to move in together

Thank you so much for your advice this list is perfect!! I'm glad you can relate to working at home too. I really like the part about welcoming him home and allowing him his time and waiting for him to be ready to come to me. That's advice I feel like I would never receive from girl friends or family but it makes so much sense. I need time after work to decompress too, its pretty busy and can involve a lot of communication so I "get it". I usually do my dishes and sweeping within the first half hour of finish work. Is there a certain way I could communicate beforehand that we both need this small grace period without offending his feelings and so we both mutually understand why it's important - so he doesn't get the wrong impression if I just start doing it (cold shoulder, silent treatment that sort of stuff). Oh - another question, do you sort of keep out of the same room/ living space during this time? (Unless he enters the room after you)

Could you share some of the recipes you mention? :)

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