President Trump and US Government COVID-19 Megathread

Thank you for taking the time to give me an informed answer as this is truly what I was eager to read. I agree on all points. I really do as you are right on every single point.

The notion here is that, would it make sense that this was all calculated beforehand ?

I get a sense, viewing the pandemic from the situation of Sweden, the country in which I live in - that the US plan was this all along. Let me elaborate;

There are to ways the pandemic could be handled by the U.S.

  1. A strict totalitarian lockdown During an extend time, which would destroy the economy - but be the most beneficial in the issue of saving lives.

  2. Letting the pandemic run it’s course as fast as possible in order to get the economy up and running as fast as possible.

My view - and you are right, it might be naive - is that the US has an overlapping health problem, a lot of US citizens have high blood pressure, are more at risk than other populations. Therefore, letting the infection settle in, lockdown to give people a notion that the government is trying to be humane and afterwards using the lockdown economical decline as a explanation as why it wouldn’t work in the long run ( in other words, yes I am stating that from our country’s point of view , there is no way to stop the spread ) and sending people of to work and just let people get infected as fast as possible. I believe that Trump’s antics of no mask, just go with it mentality is actually a calculated way of just letting people get infected as there is nothing the government can do except to save the economy. As if there is no economy the country will be bankrupt asap.

Sweden implemented this way, but without a lockdown - actually just stating it as it is - that we are not prepared, couldn’t be prepared because our “system” doesn’t allow it and the only thing we can do is carry on with our lives, work etc, with “mild” recommendations of washing our hands and not to get to close to strangers.

As our subway trains are full, people work, people are in close proximity all the time.

The Swedish way is extremely cold but we have now accepted that it is more probable that we will be infected before a vaccine can be made ready - all to save the economy.

I guess that the USA couldn’t go with that approach as the people there are far to humane compared to Sweden and that what you have experienced is just a several step program in what was the end goal all along, to save the economy by making people work as much as possible through the pandemic.

The Swedish way of thinking is extremely cold and even I know that I am not a person to my government only a number and nothing more. Lives aren’t held in high regards here as there is no community nor patriotism. There is no empathy for our fellow Swedes. This allowed the government to make us the country with most deaths per citizen - but took us through the economic collapse. As that was it’s primary mission and it stated so from the very beginning and was very emotionally detached.

I get a notion that the US way is very emotionally driven where the Swedish way is more cold and calculated, almost sociopathic in regards to the US.

Regarding what I just wrote, do you agree on anything ? Or do you disagree, and if so why ?

I am just very eager to learn your thoughts. I mean in no way to provoke you, I am just trying to understand.

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