President Trump signs an executive order to move forward construction of Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines.

Sure sure. You're just using it as excuse to be outraged. Which is really weird, because there's soooooo much to actually be outraged over. I don't like climate change stuff. I am VERY concerned about that. I worry about women's rights and religion in places it has no business being. I am VERY concerned about that. How many people stood outside in the cold to watch him get voted in? Yeah. That's so super important. This HUGE lie or whatever is clearly shaking the very foundations of America.

All this petty bickering about online views, TV views, what they actually meant, and let's not forget the trendy new catchphrase "alternative facts"... I really don't give a shit. It's a very obvious distraction. Although who's trying to distract who is really getting muddy these days. Everyone's just flinging shit around to see what sticks.

TLDR: The media is fighting with the government over something small and unimportant. As usual. Everyone is gobbling this nonsense up and being misdirected from the real concerns. As usual. This is sad, typical, and par for the course.

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