US Presidential Debate [Megathread]

So, I have a dad with NPD.

People with personality disorders lack something called "object permanence" - i.e, the concept that things exist independently of your experience of them. For instance, most people aren't impressed by "Peek-a-boo" past a certain age, because they eventually learn that

So, to them, reality is dependent of their experience of it. All of reality is entirely subjective to their (present) feelings - even things like measurements and the definitions of words.

Here is a primer for consider the following when you next read or listen to Trump's unscripted words:

  • When Trump says "you" or "they", he is probably actually referring to himself. (When he actually refers to another person, he will do so by name).

  • When Trump says "everyone", "people", etc., he probably actually means "someone, at some point".

  • When he says "nobody", he is also referring to himself, but specifically referring to something that he is deeply, deeply ashamed of. Pay attention to these. This is when you know that you really have him in a corner on something. "Nobody cares" = "I care." "Nobody knows" = "I know". "Nobody is calling Sean Hannitty" = I have been calling Sean Hannity daily, begging him to back me up".

  • Any number is entirely made-up: the size of the number reflects the strength of feeling he has around it. The exception to this is when he clearly cannot recall the exact number, and says "3, maybe 4" know this because he will typically follow it with

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