pretty sure my Ngrandmother just tried to get me sick or tried to seriously hurt me...

thank you. I don't know how to get in touch with the paramedics that came- I guess they would be the witnesses? Cause they saw her reaction and saw thru her? I'm really scared to file any kind of report. Hell I'm scared to death of leaving at all to be honest. Part of me still wants to think maybe I over reacted. but she really did literally lie about everythign to Nmom and the paramedics. And nmom doesn't want to get involved because "I am a drama queen. And it's between me and my grandmother and she has nothing to do with it". even if I DID try to tell my mother the truth- she'd side with my grandmother. she never defends me with her or sides with me or anything. Sometimes I feel like they both try to hurt me/get me killed and want it to sound like a "oh she's not a minor why didn't she get herself to a doctor" line a lot. Sorry I'm rambling. Just trying to wrap my mind around it, and am terrified of doing anything. my mother also took me to a concealed and carry course but said " I am not allowed to get a weapons permit" even though I passed the course. Or further training. Yet I'm pretty positive SHE got herself a concealed carry. And I know for sure that we have guns in the house. Now I'm over reacting and am really kinda scared for my life. I always felt funny about that too. Cause the whole reason I wanted to go to the concealed carry class was to get the permit and now she claims im not "allowed"? not according to 2nd ammendment and not according to my passing the class? (I don't drive and have no friends near by she'd ave to take me). It's all starting to really leave me freaked out. Ifelt funny just when THAT happened a month ago. It's like- why take me to the class then rip it from under me like that but its ok for YOU to buy yourself another gun and get the permit?? she's not physically violent just yells and goes on N-rampages a lot. She also tracks me by cookies so if I delete this dont be surprised I'm scared of her finding my shit online.

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