Private (not-for-profit) college told me that 95% of people who complete their program enter a particular career path. Just found out *at least* 33% of my class did not. Should I pursue something over this? [VT]

Are you going to take them to court (and for what) if this year's acceptance rate bumps their 100-year figure from 95% to 94.4%?

If the figure changed by 0.6 percentage points, I'd fully expect a judge to laugh heartily as he rightly dismissed my case.

My class's low matriculation would have brought the long-term average down by nearly 5%, and yet it wasn't updated on the website. This leads me to question whether the number on the website is even an attempt at reflecting their actual matriculation rate.

And in either case, I think it's entirely reasonable to expect them to keep the number on the website accurate. Perhaps not to within 0.6%, but definitely within 5%. Do you think it's unreasonable to expect that?

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