It's probably silly, but I still feel like shit

I'm going to be blunt here, I may expect downvotes.I'm not trying to be a dick, but I regularly will get busy for periods of 24 hours or more and yes, sometimes I will sleep all day. You don't know what's going on in her life and everything isn't automatically an attack. I don't think you're wrong for checking in, but it's not a big deal and she isn't necessarily a bad communicator if she communicates differently than you. heavy communication more than say, every few days when I'm first getting to know someone, or taking a day or two off is healthy IMO. this is what works for me. if that doesn't work for you, that is fine, and also valid. we are different people and that is okay.

This doesn't make her any less serious. And likely she felt uncomfortable. I have been HARASSED by needy subs for not responding quickly enough, and bar none when they start getting passive aggressive/assume I dislike them because god forbid I be busy, then that almost guarantees I will stop speaking to them. I usually try to let people know, but given how abused women are, I can understand feeling fearful or not wanting to deal with harassment, even if you yourself would never harass or harm another person. She doesn't owe you consistency based on her posts or your perceived idea who she is. She owes you exactly 0, as much as you owe her. This is not an established relationship. Disinterest is not cruelty.

TLDR it literally has nothing to do with you. You can find and hopefully will find someone with whom you are on a better wavelength, and I hope you do so with the understanding that you can't read peoples intentions like you think you can, and relieving yourself of that pressure and of assuming what they mean and reacting based on that, will suit you in a more healthy and positive light.

/r/FemdomCommunity Thread