Platonic Femdom

Thank you for your reply.

I do not quite follow with the engaging in sexual activity without their consent part. Of course I wasn't talking about engaging with them "simply because" they are dominant. But when engaging with people in life as one does, there are some types of people who's company one enjoys more than others (naturally) and I find dominant Women to be very pleasant to be around. Perhaps you have a different thing in mind when talking about "Dominant Women" - if you mean how they behave in bed, of course that has necessarily a sexual dimension to it by definition. But that is not what I'm talking about. How would one even determine that without asking and by doing so exploring the sexual dimension? I'm talking about Dominance in a different sense, like in daily life type of situations. Things like assertiveness, taking the lead, feeling comfortable giving commands (in a workspace environment for example) or making decisions when other are indecisive. I do not see the engaging in sexual activity part here. By that standard, interacting with anyone (like ordering coffee for example) becomes is a sexual activity.
We have probably different things in mind when talking about "Dominant Women".

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