i want to see a professional but im too scared to ask my parents to take me to one

There's a stigma around needing help for mental health. There shouldn't be, but there is. I was afraid to admit to my parents that I was hurting. I hate being vulnerable but I also hate being babied, and telling my parents was terrifying.

I never did it, and I regret waiting so long to get help. It took me until I was out of the house to finally see a therapist. Now looking back, I would have rather just told my parents than go through the sadness. They probably would have been very supportive, and any annoyances from telling them would have been better than how I was feeling!

It's a good step to want to see a professional, so at least feel good about that. Would your parents have to find out if you went to see someone? Do you have a primary care physician you could see, who might refer you to a therapist or to some resources? It might be possible to come up with a way to see someone without your parents finding out, if you really want to.

/r/depression Thread