"Promote ideas, protect people" - All for the common good

Well they removed my comment there so I guess I'll post it here. I thought I asked legitimate questions but maybe I was just being a dick:

What I find most worrying about this is how vague terms like "offensive" "uncomfortable" or even "harassment" are.

Would subs like /r/facepalm, /r/trashy, obviously /r/fatpeoplehate be considered harassment since they exist solely to make fun of people? What about /r/cringepics, /r/creepypms, /r/shitredditsays? They only exist to make fun of people too. In fact, /r/shitredditsays links directly to conversations of members. And on that topic, what about subs like /r/thepopcornstand, /r/drama, /r/subredditdrama?

Would it be harassment if someone posts an unpopular opinion in a particular sub, is heavily downvoted and/or all the replies are negative? What about people calling each other offensive names? What about debates over controversial issues where one person is more articulate and/or negative, and the other gets offended? Would it be considered harassment because one was more easily upset and unable to stand up for themselves?

What about there being certain groups who are far more likely to report every little thing while others tend to just ignore it and move on? Wouldn't that eventually create an enormous echo chamber favoring specific viewpoints?

If this is only about brigading, death/violent threats, or doxxing I'm 100% for it. But all of those are already against the rules so I don't see how it would warrant a blog post about upcoming "changes."

I've really been trying to stick it out here, mostly because of all the money I've wasted on reddit gold, gift exchanges, and in the marketplace back in the day, but I'm finally seeing the writing on the wall. It may be time to give voat a shot.

/r/subredditcancer Thread Link - np.reddit.com