Proof that COVID-19 Vaccines have FAILED to Reduce Deaths -- in NSW Australia, 75% (last 50 days) or 88% (last 10 days) of COVID-19 Deaths were Double/Triple Vaccinated (based on NSW Health data)

You're living in the past, using arguments from a time during peak infections when the hospital occupancy was causing unrelated deaths, it's over and as a result it's not being talked about...except by you, and that's weird.

A vaccine for covid has existed for long enough that anyone who wants it can get it. I don't care what you do with your body and hor or if you life or's none of my business as it doesn't impact me anymore (see hospital occupancy issue that no longer exists).

The post you're responding to spelled out quite clearly that I don't care about your vaccination status. Your fake rage for what "people like me" do is more fantasy than a Harry Potter story.

Stop making this weird...

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