Propaganda Exposed

I think you're misunderstanding me.

When I say questioning I mean the same way newton figured out gravity, he questioned the science untill that point in time. There was an explanation but it was not significant and didn't work with other science at the time. So in doing that a lot of discoveries where made.

The same could be said when people are right now questioning the speed limit at the speed of light. There are things left unanswered and with figuring out why it's not (if its not) the limit will open up a lot of our knowledge.

It will make a lot of things we seem to not understand how they work now perhaps suddenly all falling into place.

Or not. For now the speed limit is light speed and all we know of science is build upon that, but it might just be that we are in a different "sub-part" of space where the rule is that light is the speedlimit, perhaps when we get out there its possible to go over.

You're free to question that, but it won't be a scientific fact untill you're able to prove it through the peer reviewed research method you addressed. However that does not take away the fact that science allows you to question the rules of science, but the scientific method is to answer that question and make it a fact.

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