PSA According to steam spy. "A number of games increased their prices just before the Autumn Sale so they can offer a "discount" during it. Again. Why is it allowed?"

No matter where you are on the map, or how sunny it is, you start freezing to death as soon as you spawn yeah maybe if you run around naked for 30 minutes and that never happends as you usually find a jacket in like 5 minutes You have to constantly eat and drink or you die(and I mean constantly, you can't even find enough food to keep you alive sometimes, in the middle of a town)* no you dont, and yes you can theres tons of apple trees canned food in towns If you get touched by a zombie once or twice all of your clothes are immediatly shredded(along with everything inside) thats also bullshit The zombies follow you through doors, house floors(making them impossible to hit), and through dense forests for miles after they are half a kilometer behind you(xray vision+glitchy z's+used to walk through walls) have you even played the game recently? It's a running simulator. You have to run for almost three hours to get from one side of the map to another, rather than just thirty minutes on the same map on arma 2(chernarus) welcome to survival games, idiot. When you're running you have to constantly stock up on food, or you'll starve/thirst to death(which is why it takes so long to move, you're constantly looting) and even more bullshit It's way too hard to find guns maybe you should get off the coast Guns/items glitch through floors when you drop it in a buildin they're usually at the door you entered the room through

And seriously you call H1Z1 better? a half assed "survival" mode and a map whos probably as big as a battlefield map. They have just as many broken promises as any other game, remember the huge map and constant map expansions they promised? The devs doesnt even give a shit about the survival mode and put all focus into BR where they IIRC plans to add a subscription fee just to play, a subscription fee to play a shit gamemode in their early access game.

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