PSA: If you got or plan to get the Halloween 2018 soundtrack, don’t read the track listing!

Okay, buddy. The point was- Seeing track titles is not getting the entire plot beat for beat. Sure, you might not want someone to sit and explain the entire film beginning to end. What you are talking about is not that. At all. Maybe read what I wrote, and not jump to conclusions. If you are making the point that modern audiences are absolutely absurd lately, with their ears covered, whining 'NO SPOILERS!!!" then I guess you are much younger than me. Which is fine and makes a lot of sense. I am in my 30s and can tell you unequivocally: this is a product of modern entitlement. We couldn't even see half of what we wanted to when we were younger, spoilers just weren't a concern. When you can binge watch 30 hours of TV in search of that super-surprise ending, like something from a clockwork orange, you get entitled. That's my point. Hopefully you can understand now.

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