PSA: If your child is crying because they are scared, don’t shame and yell at them for expressing valid emotions.

I’m gonna get majorly downvoted for this but I don’t think there is anything wrong with this interaction OTHER than the dad saying “you’re embarrassing me.” It shouldn’t be about him and that can be a hurtful thing to say…so yes, I do think that’s a bit much. However, I don’t see how him telling his son to move his feet while his son is crying and scared is wrong. It’s very normal for children to be scared as they try new things, and while this dad could have been more encouraging and kinder with his words, I’m going to assume he just wanted his kid to do something new and tough and overcome something challenging! To this day I still remember being 5 years old at the park with my mom. There was a very steep slide I wanted to go down. Once I got to the top, I started crying and said I couldn’t do it. My mom waited for me and kept telling me to go down, but all I did was cry because I was scared. So she walked away and left! She kept walking and walking and said she wouldn’t stop until I went down. I finally I went down the slide AND I WAS SO HAPPY! Not becuase my mom stop walking away but becuase I went down the scariest slide in the world. I’m 27 years old with 3 kids of my own and I still remember this moment like it was yesterday. My mom has loved me with all her heart my entire life and she was tough on me. She wouldn’t coddle me and would tell me to stop crying and suck it up. Each child is different and some need a little bit more tough love to face their fears and others need gentleness. It’s important to teach your children to start what they finish, face their fears and do hard and scary things. Yes, even 4 years olds! Can you do it in a calmer, gentler way? Sure! Does that mean this father has to do it the way you would? No.

I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but it’s mine. I grew up on tough love and I am grateful for it!

/r/beyondthebump Thread