CMV: Abortion culture advocates the acceptance of promiscuity and promotes a lack of importance on relationships. Abortion culture = Irresponsible actions. Aiding to a failing economy and a burden on social and government institutions

Why are you so certain of the causality between 'broken homes' and mental illnesses? The studies you've linked just show a correlation, what if the broken families are caused by children's mental health issues? There are too many factors involved for you to be making such assertive statements.

Basically sex is serious. Its the most intimate thing you can do with another individual physically and can have detrimental consequences when not treated as its intimate.

I happen to disagree with this, I believe it's important for all involved parties to be on the same page, practice safe sex, and respect each other's boundaries. Given these, I'm not sure what detrimental consequences you're insisting on.

So basically, a sexual culture advocating promiscuity will cause irresponsible repercussions trickling down to the economic and infr[a]structure of society, therefore weakening it.

I would argue that economic and social inequalities were present long before the advancement of popular sexual culture of promiscuity you're admonishing.

Dont even get me started if they accepted abortion claims on insurance...

I think I get what you're saying, 'why should insurance pay for risks that you knowingly took?', right? Same thing with car insurance, surely. Fuck those people that knowingly engaged in a risky activity and had a car accident. Or any other health insurance claim,like for an accident during sport. Fuck those people that suffer from domestic abuse, they knowingly took the risk of getting in a relationship with someone they should have known would end up beating them.

/r/changemyview Thread