Pumpkin directives detrimental?


It's not the greatest, but it's a holiday event! It's good to still have them around to give us a chance at some unique swag.

I've played games that have holiday events and huge meetups for the first few years of life and then, in the following years, developers stop bothering.

The only reason I'm not a huge fan of this event is because it requires so many pumpkins to unlock even a single 2,500 seed helmet and there are seemingly too few pumpkins for the amount of people hunting them. Yes, hunting pumpkins is fun for a few hours but I've been at it since it was opened (2 hours a weekday and 3-5 on the weekend) and am just over 1,500 seeds.. and that was exploiting Esamir continent locks at every opportunity. There are others who are way behind me with the same time spent which is ridiculous.

That said, it happens once a year and only lasts a couple of weeks. There are also a ton of people who aren't participating.

I was in fights last night to get up my Masked Murder kills for the directive and couldn't tell population was missing.

/r/Planetside Thread