The pursuit of Admired Attraction vs. Fetishized Attractions. Where is the line drawn?

I just read the TL;DR- To your question, no, of course not. That kind of attitude is not helpful because you're basically saying we're abnormal and the only people who like us have a pathology. It's not fucking true.

Chaser behavior should be reserved to people who reduce us to our genitals against our wishes or use us as a sexual experiment. It's for the people who don't want to have a real personal relationship that goes beyond the bedroom. If a trans person and a chaser have an informed hookup with full consent by both parties, whatever. That's fine. It's way more of an issue than that because many chasers have dangled the possibility of a relationship only to use a person for a temporary sex fantasy. Or they don't respect the boundaries of a trans person because our lives aren't what is seen in most shitty pornography. That can get very dangerous because it goes into the realm of sexual assault and rape.

But, let's say you're a non-op who is comfortable in your body and you're in a relationship with a person who attracted your body, too. There's no problem if you also have a fulfilling relationship full of love, respect, fun, and all the other stuff outside the bedroom. You all just like each other. Plenty of us are in relationships like that with cis and trans people.

/r/asktransgender Thread