Is putting Non-binary better than saying straight white male on college applications?

How about you take the advice of all the other ignorant children in this post and complete that test on your own merit?

You are completing the test on your own merit, you're just "getting extra assistance" to do it.

If getting extra time to complete a test means it wasn't done on one's own merit, then that means people with anxiety who did the test with extra time didn't complete it on their own merit either.

You know how many times I had someone tell me it's "all in my head," that I need to get over it? How many people guilted me for being unfocused, how many teachers threatened my grades for difficulty staying awake?

Cool story. But guess what? Yours is a very common one. Plenty of people, without anxiety disorders, struggle with school for a variety of reasons. The only difference here is that their reasons don't garner enough sympathy for them to be given extra consideration.

If somebody's action isn't taking something material (like a parking spot, money, etc,.) away from somebody else. Then I don't see it as that big of a deal.

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