Reddit community: Have you ever accidentally learned some information you wish you hadn’t learned? What are some stories of opening Pandora’s box, and the complications that ensued?

I’m a bit late so not sure if anyone will see this but a few years ago when my parents used to turn off the internet I was on the family computer just looking through family photos and old folders of stuff from the past, when I found a document from a court case all the way back in 2004.

It turns out my sister who I had been told was living with her Aunty was actually living with her biological mother, making her my half sister. The court case was my parents arguing that her bio mother had broken their custody agreement. It also turns out that the court case was an attempt to get full custody as bio mother had let her drop out of school at 13 and the file suggested that the step dad was sexually abusive.

Fast forward 15 years and she has 6 kids, all of which are out of her custody, to two dads, all of which aren’t with her anymore. I tried to get in touch with her once but she blocked me. I hope she’s safe now.

/r/AskReddit Thread