Pyramid house in Clear Lake, IA.

I almost feel bad responding to you - I realize now that you are the low hanging fruit - the slow troll who can't seem to understand why people get mad when he says stupid things.

You can't even seem to get your chain of events right when it is literally right above you. Literally every other sentence is a lie - do you not realize this? Is your ego so twisted and retarded that you can't see facts?

I will literally spell out how you are wrong now - you will reply that I am still wrong even though from here on I will state facts.

you started insulting me

No, you started by insulting a girl in a picture.

This is a fact.

I didnt say anything insulting.

You can't hide mean comments behind 'opinions.'

You can't say, "It's just my opinion that you're a fucking moron you dipshit retard."

"What, I wasn't insulting anyone, I was just giving my opinion."

It's still an insult. Do you have Asperger's or something? This is common sense.

You decided to take a difference of opinion and attack me personally over it while proclaiming yourself as a warrior of political correctness and positivity.

I will literally copy and paste my original comment since you seem to have forgotten it.

No reason to be mean just for the hell of it. If someone says, "Hey, you look good today" do you follow up with, "Uh, no you don't."? Only if you're an asshole.

Here I do indirectly infer that you are being an asshole - this is as close to an "insult" as I get in my initial comment - a comment that you followed up with randomly bashing fat people - again, just being a dick for the hell of it.

"I don't think fat people are beautiful and it's bad for them if they think they are beautiful."

Unrelated, but this argument is dumb for this reason: Beautiful is the wrong word - fat people can be beautiful as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps they are unhealthy, but that's a separate statement - again, one that no one mentioned except you.

You are a shallow minded, hypocritical douche bag. ...

blah blah blah yadda yadda

You just ramble childishly here.

Seriously, go back and re-read the conversation.

I have put it out here for you - again, you won't get it because you're slow or whatever, but that's fine - I'm done talking to you and I sincerely hope that you change your ways.

You're literally a cancer.


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