Question for voters who are hesitant about Clinton because of her primary campaign stance on guns.

I've known people who were mugged. In all cases, handing over their bag resulted in the mugger taking their shit & fleeing. Putting up a fight almost certainly would've resulted in a stabbing or a beating and getting robbed.

How are you not "theorycrafting"? Your whole "they'll see a gun & pounce" theory is "theorycrafting" and a lot harder to believe than "they'll see a gun & go 'maybe I should look for a softer target'". We're assuming the mugger is armed, so what's his incentive to attack a visibly armed person, when he could just find a softer target? Again, the motive is usually theft, not murder or a fight.

How would've a gun helped the Georgia woman? He shot her and her baby b/c she had no money, but you don't think he'd have done the same if she'd tried to pull a gun on him? Maybe if guns weren't so glorified and easily obtainable, low-level teenage thugs wouldn't even have access to them in the first place. There've been cases of kids getting a hold of their parents' guns & shooting themselves or others. The Sandy Hook and Oregon shooters got their guns through their law-abiding gun-owning parents.

(There's a wealth of studies that find that more guns = less safety.)[] In fact, a gun in the home increases the risk of suicide and homicide of someone in the home. And there are a whole lot more gun suicides and DV murders than there are brave citizens shooting burglars. 10x more in fact.

I think it's some kind of macho thing, this whole "I need a gun to defend myself & my family" thing, when in reality, a gun is more likely to be used to threaten your wife in a domestic dispute than to save you from a homicidal home invader. This is probably why women are less likely to think guns make people safer, despite supposedly being "the great equaliser".

Nobody's forcing you not to carry either, so I'm not sure what the point of that line was and being unarmed has served me and everyone I know pretty damn well so far, tyvm.

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