Has anyone heard of Barton & Sons Construction? This is how they responded to my mom going in a different direction. i’m baffled???

Looking at their FB page, the guy does some solid work. However, the fact he posted an unhappy (potential) client's address on a public forum is more than enough for me to say this guy's a POS.

ALso, check out this recent Instagram post and geotag from their business page. Looks like they were part of the Freedom Convoy over in Canada, so that should tell you everything you need to know about them. Their six most recent IG posts are in relation to this.

Why in the hell would a business owner be stupid enough to post their political leanings on their business page? When you're running a company, why would you alienate half of your potential income pool with foolish shit like that? If you want to burn crosses or think covid is a hoax, that's fine, but keep that shit to your personal pages and echo chambers!

/r/Buffalo Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it