Questions for people who don't like to be touched

I dislike being touched. I recoil, for example if someone touches my shoulder while talking to me (even close friends). I find it unpleasant and strange, and inappropriate. I've learned to try not to move, since usually ignoring the touch makes people stop, so it's more of an internal recoil than an external one now, but it's still... really disturbing for me.

Why not? What reaction does it spark in you that is so unpleasant? I think the best way to describe it is that I'm not expecting touch and it pulls me away from my thoughts and internal functions, forcing me to deal with the external world. That might sound weird to someone who pays more attention to the physical contexts of a situation, like the person's facial expressions or movements, and so on... but I pay attention to words a lot more, I think, and spend time being accurate in what I say. So maybe that has something to do with it.

It's also an extreme intrusion on my privacy, though, and adds an emotional context to conversations that I feel are logical and don't require emotional context. So if someone touches my shoulder while talking to me, they're both asking and offering more than I would like, and the conversation immediately becomes one I don't want to take part in.

Do you wish you enjoyed snuggling? Actually, I do enjoy snuggling, but only with specific people (sister and husband).

And what about pets - do you enjoy snuggling them? I'm very physically affectionate with my husband and with pets. However, if I'm stressed or doing any kind of careful thinking, I push away all touch. My husband knows when it's safe to touch and when it isn't, and this makes it easy for me to trust his touch when he does touch me. Also, usually I respond happily and easily to hand holding and hugs and kisses and other familiar touches offered by my husband, but not to less familiar touches. If my husband put his hand on my shoulder in an acquaintance way, I would brush him away and feel heebie-jeebies.

I'm also very sensitive to pressure and friction, so while hand-holding is fine, if my husband rubs his thumb against my hand for more than a few seconds, I eventually shake my hand away. That's just a physical discomfort thing, though.

If you dislike any and all forms of touch, what thaws you out emotionally when you get too cold? ....?

Well, it's not up to me to decide whether I need "emotional thawing" I guess. I may be cold sometimes, but that's part of how I think and function, and is separate from my emotions.

/r/intj Thread