/r/Games - Free Talk Friday

Watched some Ninja streams for the first time recently. Solely because of Apex.

The hate he gets is completely unwarranted. He’s just a normal dude. Most people on twitch are a bit douchey, it’s the culture. Viewing career streaming desirable necessities inherently douchey characteristics. In most cases.

But Ninja is far from an egregious case. He’s really just a normal guy. The only explanation I can see is people are bitter existentialist twats mad that this kid lucked into riches through streaming while they toil away delrived the riches they feel owed them. It’s the only explanation. There are far, FAR bigger douches and outright pieces of shit on twitch.

I actually don’t mind the guy at all. Kinda like his streams. While Ninja isn’t at “a whole nutha level” like that Dizzy kid, he’s good enough.

Fucken people. Hating on this dude for no reason. Yeah I’m sure if we stuck a camera in your face for 12 hours a day, everyone would absolutely love you.

Fuck off. God I hate people so much.

/r/Games Thread