/r/News goes into a frenzy over a false flag at Kean University.

Also, it would help you to know the legislation I posted bernie voted for to become law does directly affect black folks. Because of the institutionalize racism and how economics have played a roll in that people who are poor are likely to not be able to leave domestic abuse situations. Because of the violence against women act there's at least legal protection and federal help people can get. This directly affects poor women who are black. Im sure you know black schools in this country are in horrible situations to put it nicely and that's not a coincidence. Because of the education legislation bernie supported at least something can be there from the federal govt to help these schools. Im sure you also know the right wing for yrs now have been trying to oppress people who are black from voting. Bernie helped to keep law the voting rights act when people need it now more then ever. He also supported the id law and making election day a holiday so people can vote. This directly affects black people the most in our country now with the right wings dirty tricks. He supported legislation that was legal for heating for the poor and safe drinking water. Im sure you know the past and present with how poor black people are treated with their homes. Because bernie was someone who supported this he helped to make sure drinking water wasn't poisoned and people wouldn't get sick or worse die. With the heating for the poor to make sure people dont freeze in the winter. To say Bernie hasn't done anything for black people is lying. Everything I shared with his votes directly affects black people. As bernie has always said and talked about if you dont do anything about the economic struggles you're not going to change anything else. Look at every problem blm is talking about. It all goes back to economics in some way little or small. Now really learn to use google or go to the sub and ask people there.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent