Why is r/politics such a left-wing echo chamber?

I understand how Reddit works in general. Thanks though. But I feel like it’s far more than the voting system or ratio of political views. It’s not like it’s 80% left and 20% right or something like that. It’s like 99.99% left. It’s pure echo chamber. I am just speculating here but I think the ratio wouldn’t have changed a ton from say 10+ years ago. When I was in college in late 2000’s to early 2010’s I used Reddit all the time. It was nothing like it is now. Way more back and forth. Way less echo chamber.

On the one-party system… That is an extremely naive take on it IMO. Just look at how out of control [either] party can become when they gain [most of] the power. It gets worse and worse with time. We’re to the point that norms are shattered and precedent is set every year. We have one party resistant to change and another that wants radical change regardless of the actual results. Furthermore, we know from history how poorly single party systems work. A country like Japan is much, much different. They have a unique history and an entirely homogenous population and culture. They accept and respect authority. They’re unified under one identity for the most part. This is in stark contrast to America which is a melting pot of culture and ethnicity. Americans tend to favor civil liberties and freedoms and identify more with local culture than national identity, especially now days. Not to mention the entire structure of government which is a republic of 50 individual states that have their own systems, laws and values decided by the unique demographics and democratic process of each. I can go on…. Single party=tyranny.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent