/r/politics Town Hall: State Ballot Measures about Minimum Wage

The payroll taxes are insane, and I hope to be part of the process that leaves nobody with jobs, and me with capital/robots.

The government is making me hate the idea of hiring people and embracing automation.

I am making marked progress in an industry void of automation in reducing employment and increasing productivity by using machines everywhere possible. And this is big industry, docks, warehouses, trucking, etc. RFID in containers, automated railways for containers to move goods around the warehouse and into the back of trucks. I look forward to eliminating the jobs that aren't quite ready for automation yet.

You want to know why?

Efficiency in all aspects. The government is sapping efficiency from enterprise at every possible angle, and automation is the only cure. No diversity quotas for robots, or paid sick leave, or maternity leave, or HR department. Just depreciation, which is way easier to deal with than payroll.

All this stuff is going to accelerate automation in ways you did not think were possible. That guy that buffs the floors at the rite aid? Gone ASAP. That guy that stocks shelves at walmart? Gone, ASAP.

The sad part is, people can't even see that automation will lead to increased inequality between the owners of capital and those without.

Good luck.

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