/r/WorldNews Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day 25, Part 1 (Thread #156)

They still lost millions after 43, People don't seem to realize why the Soviets started winning as well.

There has been this growing trend for years saying America's contributions was overstated because hate for America is quite fashionable, and that Russia won the war, purely based on casualties taken.

Truth is America solo made the Russian war machine completely mechanized and kept them fed, Russia was in the beginning of a famine before American food arrived.

Most Russian military successes came from being able to bring more equipment and men to an area faster(mechanized) and kept their men fed and supplied(American supplies)

Russian troops may have won the battles on the eastern front but everything that made that possible is solely because of the US and its supply, and before people harp on me calling me a nationalist or something, I'm South African but I know history.

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