Racist teens disrespect Chinese woman on subway (xpost /nyc)

When I lived in the shitty part of Bed-Stuy a while back I would get called "louse" and "Mr. Taiwan," etc, more than just a few times, with guaranteed not-even-hiding-it stares wherever I went. No one started anything with me because I'm a pretty big guy, but it was probably the most race-conscious period in my life (and also class-conscious). And generally speaking I'd say that a lot of my black neighbors definitely weren't immune to anti-Asian antipathy, sadly. Like, we're all equal humans, right? And that means black folks are equally capable as white people of seeing us as the foreigners/outsiders who you can mock without being racist, just like Asians can drink the racial kool-aid on black stereotypes, etc. Even on the social justice side I think there are a lot of black activists who see racism in the US as, at its core, a specifically anti-black issue and who often aren't interested in finding connections to anti-immigrant racism or xenophobia. And I wonder if, in the exigency of BLM, part of the whole rainbow-coalition era of achievements in collective anti-racist solidarity may have been forgotten. I don't know, man.

That said, the negative experiences were by far the minority. I had positive experiences too, like at food joints, where every now and then people would talk about Chinese food (saying "the way you guys make it" lol).

Anyways, that's a really NYC-specific experience. I think part of the issue is that in the post-Bloomberg era, real estate in NY is highly segregated. Add onto that the fact that Asians are also segregated and structured in media images, income, education (even at elementary, Asian kids predominantly leave public schools in NYC by testing into nationally ranked magnet schools like Hunter and Stuyvesant, and that's if they weren't classified into separate accelerated learning groups already), basically there's a lot of shit.

/r/asianamerican Thread Link - youtube.com