The radio advertisement that ruined everyone's summer (Part 3)

For what feels like an eternity we stare at the being with the red eyes. Jeremy finally can’t take any more of this and picks up a large rock and hurls it at the door banging it and making a loud noise. The pale face retreats back inside. The building responds with a low roar to the noise Jeremy, who now is in full on destruct mode, made with the rock.

Screams emanating from the inside leaves no doubt that there are girls inside. More than one, more than two or three even.

Things are escalating and Jeremy had just murdered that motherfucker with two shots to the face. I needed the rest of the guys here, now.

I bring the phone up and dial my cousin. The phone works this time. He answers and is already speaking, I cut him off, “Terry, shut up! I know where Joey and Matt are…there are girls trapped inside… they’re screaming… it’s the Sterling plant. Bring everything dangerous you have and the boys…. NOW!!”.

I can hear him speaking to some people in the room. They’re at the trailer park it sounds like, I can hear other bikes and vehicles in the background.

“We’re coming brother. I got Robert, DeWayne, and Justin.”

Justin is my little brother and was close with Joey and Matt too. We jokingly referred to ourselves as the Trailer Park boys, although now we can add murder in self-defense to our list of accomplishments.

Jeremy and I retreat back a ways with a touch of paranoia. Everyone that I knew in Lot D was on their way over here with hopefully some more serious firearms. I know DeWayne owns some shotguns. I’m holding my .45 in my hand like a madman. It should take only 5 minutes for everyone to get here if they take the path that cuts directly through the forest.

We can hear footsteps running around to the right side. Already with gun in hand I say to Jeremy, “Did you hear that?”
This paranoid feeling and with the noises reverberating between the walls has us off balance, it takes a couple minutes of confused silence before we see something move. I point to the right side of the quad.


The pale faced person with red eyes runs past an opening in the wall and I fire one shot at it. Nothing happens and it goes quiet for another few seconds. At the large red door a long rod peeks out, it’s a rifle. Clumsily it fires one time and hits the woman lying on the ground, exploding the back of her head and finally killing her and missing us. Two times now we lucked out. Jeremy and I unload everything we have and the figure retreats. I think one of us may have hit it, but we are now out of bullets. I might have one left in the chamber.

From a door on the right side and some distance behind us another figure peeks out, causing the door to creak. Without much to do except run, we bolt to our bikes. As I’m picking mine up and trying to start it the thing takes that opportunity to start charging at me with what looks like a mace held over its head, wailing and cursing like a banshee. The sounds this thing makes has me trembling slightly and I’m losing my footing. When it’s getting too close the bike start to pick up dirt and he swings the mace down hitting the back tire and puncturing it. I spiral to the ground after a few feet and now I am down on the ground eating dirt and grass.

I think I’m about to be hit with the mace and I cover my head with my arms when out of nowhere a shotgun blast deafens the surrounding air, followed by a throaty wail, it’s DeWayne.

The pale face thing is lying on the ground and spitting up blood. Terry rides up to it and pulls a baseball bat that was fashioned to his back and starts pummeling this beast with such fury and rage that my heart swelled with pride, even in this chaotic moment I remember feeling that.

All the boys roll up now and look down upon this pile of meat. Pieces of its face came off easily in the attack. Terry falls over and we help him up.

The saddest most disturbing cry comes from the far end now. We just killed one of the two white faces and the other one was upset.

The girls inside continue to scream. I try to catch everyone up with what we just went through. As I’m telling this I look on the wrist of the dead thing and it’s wearing a Casio watch. He was wearing Matt’s gold and silver Casio we bought for him at the pharmacy. I take the watch off of it and put it into my pocket kicking its face, or lack of it one more time. I didn’t get to look at it too closely, but the thing resembled a Harlequin baby, almost. Something was weird about its hands, pointy fingers with red cracks running up its arm. I look up to my little brother Justin who gives me a hug.

“What do we do?” he asks. All of the trailer park boys are here.

Jeremy, who is the oldest, is now holding DeWayne’s other rifle. More screams come from the building and it’s becoming clear what we are going to do. Now that one of them is down I feel more confident we press forward towards the door after we catch our breath. I know the other pale face shot at us too, this worries me and I tell the other guys. Robert is just looking down at the dead thing and vomits onto it. Good, it deserves far worse.

Jeremy says quietly, “I can see it down at the far end.” He cocks the rifle with a look of pure Hell in his eyes.

“Let’s find those girls.”

/r/nosleep Thread