Rand Paul Dismisses Concerns About Income Inequality, Says Some People Just ‘Work Harder’

let me just be perfectly blunt with you right now. You are a piece of fucking shit. End of story. By your logic we could just get rid of minimum wage and make poor people fight in the streets with sharpened sticks for $2 an hour. Show a little fucking empathy, investing in the people of this country improves it for everyone. Technology advances all the time and people work hard with whatever technology is given. Seriously you sound like the most brain washed piece of shit to me and i'm sick of hearing this bullshit. Eli Manning has a talent and is paid for to be an entertainer. Using a football player to talk about the working class of this country is so incredibly fucking stupid that i cannot fathom how to talk to a person such as yourself.

As for Millennials reporting distractions every week.... and people 30ish and younger spending their entire days on their phone..... what the fuck are you smoking. Humans have been distracted since they could bash two fucking rocks together. I bet the fucking people who watched younger workers get things like the cotton gin, the fucking steam powered engine, the wheel all were like these kids have it so easy now, they don't work like we used to carrying rocks on our backs. We should not pay them as much..... cause thats fucking real cool.

The real issue i see with people like you is just a complete fucking lack of empathy. You just sound like such a selfish piece of shit and the real fucked up part is i know so many people like you. Who are on the absolute fucking edge of poverty of being completely dependent on the programs that they hate so desperately.

You say oh children are at fault.... yea well maybe the GOP along with keeping people poor should focus on stopping people from having children. OH FUCKING WAIT, they put 75 million dollars a year into abstinence only education, matched by the states that use it. They fight tooth and nail to stop abortions and defund planned parenthood... they can't talk to their kids about sex to save a fucking life and if their kids hear it in school they fucking go nuts. So they completely send their kids out they under prepared to have a family responsibly. Then get angry when they have fucking kids and can't afford to care for them.

Your defending of Walmart is not paying them less than they can earn is fucking blowing my mind. Are you honestly telling me.... that you see no issue at all. With 1 family owning the largest employer in the United States of America, owning more wealth than the bottom 130 million americans, and earning billions of dollars a year and paying close to 0% taxes with loopholes and tax breaks created by politicians... you mean to fucking tell me that you are ok with those people paying their employees a wage that is unable to sustain a Adult person. That is cruel... that is unfair... and most importantly that is fucking stupid.

We are not talking here about anything but the money that this country is making is not going to anyone but the very top. The middle class is gone, the amounts of poor is growing every year, and the select few at the top, that just so happen have had politicians for decades make things far easier for them. They make 90% of the new income every year. You are ok with this why? We are discussing problems factually here, i have no lied at all. I have emotion because its fucking ridiculous and people like you are all over the place saying the stupidest shit that i have ever fucking seen.

Now if you want to deregulate the entire economy and you want to turn the United State of America into a bunch of fucking sweatshops that don't pay anyone a wage they can live on. If you want to destroy everything that this country valued and allow a few Billionaires to completely control our political system with things like Citizens United. Then by all means keep defending this shit because that is exactly what is happening. If you are to fucking blind to see it, and you want to blame Millennials and Phones on the problems we have with income inequality then fuck right off and open your fucking eyes.

Also another thing the GOP seems to love so much is not being politically correct. Which is something i can get behind at times. So if you are offended about how i talked to you here. Maybe you think i'm being emotional and therefore not really understanding what im saying. I assure you, i stand behind everything i said here. I truly at the core of my being think you are a piece of shit and a fucking idiot.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - thinkprogress.org