Ranked restriction, chat restriction and game restrictions and end of season rewards mega-thread.

People have been talking a lot about whether or not the decision to penalize ALL players that have been negative even if they have improved is wrong or right. There are some good points on both sides, for example, why should I be punished further if I have improved and have never been punished since? Which /u/hoogarden has pointed out in his post. And then there's posts that support riot decisions, such as /u/Omoikaneh post about sportsmanship. I think that people should not fall to conclusions without firstly thinking about things. Talking about Basketball and comparing it to League is absurd imo. When we play league (soloq/duoq/normals/teams) we are not in a "regional league" and poor behaviour is indeed punished. Taking into consideration european football; if you Foul. You get a warning. If you foul twice you get sent of and miss the next game. If you take a chunk out of somebody's arm you are banned for months if not years. YOU DO NOT GET STRIPPED OF YOUR TITLES. (See Barcelona's player Suarez). Anyway as I said you can't compare top tear or even amateur sports with soloq. If you have to compare soloq to playing football with strangers or friends. If you keep telling them to get cancer they'll probably tell you to fuck off. But you are more than likely to get a second chance of playing with them once they forgive you. And then if you tell them to kill themselves Irl they might tell you to fuck off for good. K, so basically people that have been punished once and have never been punished again NEED their rewards. They HAVE IMPROVED. Disclaimer: I'm not personally in this situation thus I am not posting this because I want free skin & border. I'm posting this because it's not fair for those reformed players. Which might have had honestly worked hard to improve their personality for nothing.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread