Raped cheating drunk LTR

Sorry in advance for the bluepill text

Apology accepted.

My (22) LTR (21) went to a houseparty and got drunk and had sex with her classmate

Alright then.

As she leaves his house she calls me At 4 in the morning in panic saying she’s groggy etc saying she think she had sex etc she dont remember

She was seen by multiple people, and is getting ahead of the situation so you don't find out from other sources how she was hitting on this guy all night, trying to get him to fuck her.

But that's just conjecture on my part. Who knows.

Either way, gotcha.

Day after she apologies and stuff and i break up with her,


she then calls me back saying she was raped and she ”Froze” during sex and it hurt.

This is fairly crucial information.

She is essentially saying she wanted to fuck, but then changed her mind during sex, and failed to voice her no longer wanting to. In other words: She spoke to herself in her head, and "froze."

"Freezing" is the feminist idea that a woman can be "raped" after secretly withdrawing her consent.

Your dumbass ex-girlfriend knows there is no arguing this negative. Female logic.

Saying she got drugged etc

Of course. Just another thing to stack on her lie.

Then my mind switched to defending her.


Shes damaged goods and I dont look At her the same.

Good. She's a disgusting liar, who is likely more than willing to ruin the entire life of the guy she voluntarily fucked.

She went home with him, regretted it after and calls me.

Yes. Or, as I previously said; she may have been trying to get ahead of getting caught by you, since others saw what she did.

I hold onto this girl like a fantasy that wont come through

That fantasy should be shattered.

Give me your perspective trp

Just did.

Further, if you're any kind of decent human being, you will save texts, and keep an ear out for this poor guy who is currently in her crosshairs. He is currently vulnerable to a false rape claim from her. If that happens, you fucking better speak up for him (to the police/his lawyer) and help him out with the facts you're aware of.

/r/asktrp Thread