You’re given $10,000,000 to screw over someone of your choice. How do you go about it?

I'd buy a house across the street from my controlling jealous narcissistic ex girlfriend.

After she finds out I have millions, I'd tell her how much I miss her and that I want to rekindle our relationship. I'd ask her to break up with her new boyfriend and quit her job so I can take care of her. She's greedy, so she would. Plus i would be doing her new boyfriend a favor.

Then I'd take her on a nice vacation to her favorite place, say all the things I know she'd want to hear and fuck the hell out of her. After the vacation I'd tell her I dont love her, that I only used her for sex and now that I'm bored, she is useless to me. I'd tell her these things because it's exactly what she told me. >:-(

Then to top it off, I'd hire a couple of beautiful women to move in with me.

/r/AskReddit Thread