Read "Secrets to the Millionaire Mind" in a day; here's the recap (if you ever wanted the Cliffs Notes)

I'm in my 30s and my net worth is approx $2 million so please factor that in when I say "millionaire mind" sounds like self-congratulatory bullshit to me.

I'm relatively frugal and I worked hard, but lots of poor people can say that. What's different about me? I'm probably also smart, although I blew off taking the SATs or going to college so I can't point to a number that says how smart I am. Is that enough? No, lots of poor people are also smart.

What's different? I'd say luck. Luck has much more to do with my fortunes than anything. I had a childhood hobby that ended up becoming a highly in demand skill (tinkering with technology) and my people skills are good enough that I was promoted to management early on. I also tried my hand at running my own business but didn't enjoy it.

There's also all of this other stuff I have going for me: I'm in good health, no obvious mental illnesses, and my parents were kind of incompetent but basically nurturing and not abusive. Oh yeah also I wasn't marginalized because of my skin color, didn't knock a girl up in my teenage years, and grew up in a safe city with opportunity everywhere. I wasn't given any money, but in some sense I inherited something far more important: psychological and physical safety and health.

I find self-discipline easy; I exercise regularly and keep vegan. I don't find either of those things a huge struggle. Is this something I decided to have, or is it something that's easy to unlock if you're born into the right circumstance?

Sorry, I don't buy into this Hollywood trope that poor people are poor because they have a poor mindset and that if you just canceled cable TV and ate lentils you would be wealthy.

/r/personalfinance Thread