I really want to start writing again and posting my work, but I am also aware I'm not very good at it and I'll likely be mocked for it. Writing might also help with my depression. I don't know what to do.

Why don't you try getting a cool notebook and writing for a while physically and not show anyone? Having experienced depression quite a lot, the actual act of putting a pen to paper has had some cathartic effects for me.


Personally here is what has really helped with my depression:

Step 1: Leave my phone and other means of communication at home.


Step 2: Bring a backpack with some water, healthy food, notebook, and a pen or pencil.


Step 3: Get on my bike


Step 4: Ride around my area aimlessly thinking about what I want to write or just enjoy the scenery. (For a while I did this when I lived in the suburbs so there was not much scenery but I made do)


Step 5: Find a nice quiet and undisturbed area. Maybe a park, or a simple bench.


Step 6: Just write whatever is on my mind. Anything. Whatever format I feel like. Usually just a stream of consciousness.


Step 7: After writing for however long I feel like, I eat my food as a nice way to end the session.


Step 8: Bike back home.


If you do this OP (or some variant) let me know if it helps, I would love to hear from you!


I feel like my method works well (if done long term at least) because you are using multiple tools to fight depression. You are exercising my riding the bike. You are getting needed sunlight (if done in the day obviously). You are eating healthy food (which is hard when you have depression I know but the biking makes you hungry for healthier foods). And finally you are being introspective and becoming closer to your thoughts and able to right them out which helps get out a lot of anxiety and depression.


Sorry that was very tangent but I feel like it could help you a lot OP. Also, this is not coming from someone with mild depression either. I have had full blown clinical depression and a family history of it (dad committed suicide). Good luck OP!

/r/offmychest Thread