The reason why I should quit playing ranked

I can relate to this like 2 years back I was in a not so good spot on my life I spammed 10 games every day only to reach gold and get something done in my life as stupid as it sounds.

Well my situation is a bit different since I was able to reach gold that season and eventually even reached dia in the last season but that ,while it was kind of nice , was not the satisfaction I was hoping for. It was nice for a moment but it changes fucking nothing not irl not even in-game.

I eventually stepped down and now I'm playing pretty excessively only for a weekend or a couple days a time (like over 5 games a day) and usually don't play league at all between these phases.

And honestly every time I didn't play for 2 days I realize how nice it is to not waste every day on this game.

So id say my league behaviour has definitely become healthier but it's still not ideal because it's usually only ever "no league at all" or 4+ hours daily but atleast im not sinking all my time into it anymore. Ideally I would be able to play 1 game for fun a day but that's not working for me since my brain is too addicted to grinding solo q (I'm dead serious) and when it gets a taste of success I want to win more if I lose , I atleast want to even the l.p. loss out everyone knows the feeling. Btw when I play normals it's just feeling like I'm scratching the itch of playing ranked and it wants me to play ranked since normals don't feel satisfying.

In my worst days the game infuriated me so much that it was unreal I would demote a division when I wanted to climb one this day because I lost 8 in a row ,partially because my mates were heavily inting it felt so unfair and I was so mad. I would look out the window it was already night I didn't even reach my goal for the day ingame and I just wasted another day playing computer games. It's a really depressing feeling and drags you down especially if you don't feel good anyways.

I once even threw a plastic bottle against the wall with so much anger and swing that I slipped and fell on the floor no one saw it but I was embarrassed I was literally behaving and looking like a toddler because I let a video game get the better of me.

I eventually took a month off and gained some distance from the game. I still no life at times but that's more a "because I want to " than feeling obligated to do it. That being said the game still has a loose grip on my life and that's just undeniable. Every minute in league could be spend better and when it's your habit to spend multiple hours a day on the game it just restricts you in your life.

Eventually I'll quit this game because the time has come. I've seen it all from bronze 5 to diamond 4 and my goal is to quit after this season is over.

Sorry this is so unstructured but I just wrote everything that came to my mind because I can relate so much. Tldr: take a break from the game completely (not only ranked) to gain some distance you won't miss it as much as you might think. And also : success in ranked won't make you feel better trust me

/r/leagueoflegends Thread