Recreational party drug use and managing bad habits while doing structured training

You sound like a good time brother! I was dabbling in the same stuff at 25-27. I’m 30 now and have slowed wayyyy down. I completely cut off the blow, I’ve had a few friends pass away because their stuff was laced with fent. I had my fair share of Xanax in college and post, nothing like others I knew.. But that is a slippery slope. As long as you have a good handle on it. I’ve seen a number of people throw their lives away when they get hooked, just be mindful. Drug wise, my group is big into ketamine. Dosed appropriately, there is literally zero hangover in the morning. It’s astounding. I don’t drink as much now because I get extremely anxious the following day. If you can find a ketamine plug, you’ll be wobbly enough to get your fix in and not wreck your entire next day.

/r/Velo Thread