The Red Pill made me depressed. What did it do to you? Share your experience!

Even the ugliest woman is saved on a sinking ship, before the most handsome man.

I'm a little confused by this. Nowadays, the person who gets saved on a sinking ship is the person who gets in the life boat first, no matter his or her sex. Only children are saved before everyone else. People no longer follow the "Women (and children) first" rule, do they?

The draft is also only existent on paper. If it were to be practically enforced again, in this day and age, people would most likely protest against it, don't you think?

Women are only inherently more valuable if they're fertile and the population is in danger of extinction, unlike in today's age of overpopulation. Maybe my experience as a woman makes me blind to male struggles, but I don't really see how the mentality that males are disposable is expressed in this day and age (although I see the female depreciation very clearly).

Even the ugliest women can get affection from a man, it might not be a handsome stud.

Can't the same be said about the ugliest men?

Don't they end up with all the ugly women with no other options?

Or is it common for these women to become WGTOWs?

If men are really as visual as people make them out to be, I have a hard time believing in their ability to find an ugly woman sexually attractive. Doesn't the affection that an ugly woman get from low quality males come less from a place of genuine sexual attraction towards her and more from a place of desperation to quench his high sex drive (that women don't have)?

To me, it seems like ugly pleasant women to men are like nice beta men to women in relationships. There's barely any raw sexual attraction, but they care for each other as human beings.

If most men did not get to reproduce in the past, is it not because of a more accepting stance towards polygamy (20/80) and men dying more in wars/dangerous jobs than because of women choosing WGTOWism over being with an ugly male?

But not all men can say the same thing. The ugliest man with nothing to offer won't get so much as a second glance from a lady.

How is the same not true for a lady with nothing to offer?

In my experience, nobody wants you if you have nothing to offer. I don't get much attention, even from low quality males.

If that man is ugly, but has something to offer personality-wise, he will have an easier time finding a partner who is genuinely sexually attracted to him than a woman in the same situation, won't he?

It's true that men need to work harder in order to be a high quality partner than women do, so their condition has the downside of being more stressful and tiring. Your testimony is a good illustration of that and I feel real sympathy for your situation. Thank you.

If you live your life being jealous of men, you're going to waste a lot of time.

You're right.

/r/RedPillWomen Thread