Reddit, have you ever been caught after playing hooky from work or school? What happened?

When I was in high school, there was a time when I would go to my 8:00am class (A human anatomy and physiology class that I liked a lot) and then bail out the front door of the school and spend the rest of the day partying in a trailer park with some other guys.

My school had a policy that if you missed something like ten classes, you had to sign a contract promising you wouldn't miss any more that year or else risk expulsion.
I had found a clever loophole, though. They couldn't expel you if they couldn't find you to make you sign the contract. HaHa!

Eventually, the vice-principal noticed that I always attended that 8:00am class, and one morning he showed up there and called me out into the hallway.

By that time, I had run up something like 75 missed classes. It was quite difficult to improvise a rational explanation for why all those classes were missed. I mumbled some kind of half-assed explanation and he took me down to the office and called my parents and made me sign a contract promising to be good.

And I stayed good for the rest of the year, more or less.

/r/AskReddit Thread