Based on what went wrong with your childhood, wich parenting advice can you give ?

Just a few I can think of coming from my point of view, but keep in mind I'm not a parent, so I can't necessarily understand everything that is going on behind the scenes when it comes to parenting:

1) Listen, and I mean, actually really try to listen and understand where your child is coming from and what they are feeling. I understand it has to be super stressful to raise children and I'm grateful for all your sacrifices, but making me feel misunderstood and judged doesn't make me want to come to you when I am struggling and all I really want is help.

2) Use your power responsibly. Are you putting your child down with insults like "lazy" or are you trying to build them up? Are you encouraging them or are you discouraging them? Are you willing to compromise? Can you explain why certain rules are in place with good reason? I think if you are willing to negotiate or at least provide good reasoning for certain rules, your children would be much more willing to oblige and listen to you instead of feeling the need to rebel because they feel stifled since the only reason you can give them is "No. Because I said so."

  1. Please recognize that your children are in fact individuals and will be very different from the image you first imagined them to become. If you keep on imposing them to be what you want them to be rather than allowing them to be what they are, there's going to be resentment.

That's all I can think of. But again, remember I'm coming at this from my point of view and not a parent's.

/r/AskReddit Thread