Reddit, how do you survive college?

I dunno.

I'm 27, I worked at a factory for three years before deciding last summer that I wanted to have a try at college. Doing a 8am-5pm shift Monday to Friday was exhausting but I could just go in, do my work, laugh with my co-workers then go home and relax. The work was physically hard but you could do it without thinking about it too much.

University isn't physically draining like work was but it sure is mentally draining. I much preferred working with friends around me to talk to then I do sitting in the library or in my bedroom studying for four hours a day, sitting in mind-numbing lectures for two hours a day, constantly being anxious about upcoming exams and essays and whether or not I'll pass. At work I didn't have to worry about anything.

With work, you also get immediate benefits i.e. a wage. Work is hard but it's all worth it when you get that fat pay slip at the end of the week/month. Yeah at university you're getting an education but the benefits of that aren't immediate. All that hard work and effort you put in at college doesn't start paying off until after you leave and are able to find a job.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent