Reddit, what are the sickest jokes you know? NSFW

There's only one thing I hate more than racism.


The devil finally gets to Hitler in hell,

"What the fuck?" Said Hitler, "nearly seventy years you've had me waiting."

"It's your own fucking fault," replied the devil,

"Have you any idea how long it takes to process six million Jews?"

What have Osama bin Laden and Maddie got in common?

Both had their back door smashed in before being dumped at the bottom of the ocean.

'Baby gorilla killed'

My condolences go out to Katie Price at this difficult time.

How many nigger jokes does it take to ruin a dinner party?

Just this one apparently.

BBC NEWS - The Pope calls for action on sex abuse.

Right after he called "lights... camera..."

I remember how my father died. Driving 80mph down a dark, icy road. Then BAM!


When Barack Obama was giving his speech after being elected as president, he had to do it behind three inch thick bullet-proof glass. I thought that was a bit harsh – just because he’s black doesn’t mean he’s going to shoot anyone.

My parents went to New York on the 11th of September and all I got back was this bloody T-shirt.

Just saw a Facebook group: "Hi, I'm a bra. I touch your girlfriend's boobs every day... Jealous yet? ;D" Joke's on them, my girlfriend doesn't need a bra yet.

Josef Fritzl; Putting the 'semen' back into 'basement'

Why did the black kid cry when he got diarrhoea? Because he thought he was melting.

I feel sorry for the McCanns. Maddie being The Stig was their last hope.

A lesbian goes to a nutritionist because she has indigestion. The nutritionist says, "It's simple - you are what you eat."

So the lesbian turns to her and says, "Are you calling me a cunt?"

How many NYPD officers does it take to push a black man down the stairs?

None, he fell.

What do you call a barn full of black men?

Antique farm equipment.

Ever hear of the Gary Glitter burger? It's sixty-year-old meat in ten-year-old buns.

I went out with a girl last week, she told me she wanted to be 'treated like a Princess' So I put her in the back of a Mercedes and drove it into a wall.

What do you call a woman with an opinion? Wrong.

/r/AskReddit Thread