Reddit, what is your hobby and why should everyone give it a try?

Programming / Software Development

It's certainly not for everyone, but I believe anyone thinking about it should give it a try. Misconceptions may have you believe the barrier of entry is high, and you need to have a degree or be super intelligent, but that simply isn't the case, although sure, it can certainly help!

It's definitely not easy, but a lot of the time, it's not rocket science either (once you grasp some of the early concepts).

The hardest part is figuring out what path you want to go down, having a plan, and a bit of motivation to stick at it for a while.

In the beginning, your understanding is limited, and while you understand a bit, a lot of stuff goes over your head, and you feel like you're not getting anywhere. At a certain point though, stuff just clicks, and there isn't a more rewarding feeling than grasping new concepts, and having something to show for it, even if it's printing some text on the screen (for me at least!)

The best part, is everything you need is available for free online, and if you keep at it, you can make a career out of it!

/r/AskReddit Thread